what a feeling. Fear is a feeling that comes along with insecurity and doubt.
One is only afraid when one has the feeling that something bad is about to
happen, not only that, we also experience fear when we don't have a clue of
what is going to happen to us next. My little oxford dictionary defines fear as
“an unpleasant emotion caused by the treat of danger, pain or harm. This
definition shows clearly that wherever there is fear, pain, danger or harm is
just a few stops ahead.
Fear had deprived many people of
reaching their destinies, it has robbed thousands of their manifestations, and
it has hindered so many from reaching their promise land. Fear; a feeling that
has conquered many, a feeling that has subdued champions, an emotion that has
enslaved a lot of people who were destined to be generation chain breakers.
The great question is where did this
fear start off from? Because I can’t remember what day of the whole creation
exercise was used to create this killer - fear. How then did this monster come
into existence?, one thing I am very sure of is that God, in the process of
creating man did not at any point impart man with this ugly spirit of fear,
listen to the words of Apostle Paul: For God has not given us the spirit of fear...2Tim1:7. Now, if God didn’t give us
this spirit, how then did we get it?.
The exhibition and manifestation of
fear is the state of being afraid. The first manifestation of fear - “And
he said, I heard thy voice in the garden
and I was AFRAID...Gen.3:10.
He heard His voice and he was afraid, there I began to wonder; this so called
voice is a voice that this man is very familiar with. He had heard the voice
countless number of times, he had replied the voice many times, this a voice
that he usually plays and gist with. Now, where is all of this concept of being
afraid at the sound of that same familiar voice, what exactly went wrong?
The man actually gave an excuse of
why he was afraid:...because I was naked, and I hid myself
...Gen.3:10. Naked!?, definitely
something has gone wrong somewhere because he had been in that state of
nakedness right from day one: and they were both naked, the man and his
wife, and were not ashamed...Gen.2:25 so, for me that is not a tenable excuse.
There God knew that something had crept in, something that was not there before
had now gained entrance, there He posed the question straight: God
said, “Who told you you were naked? Did you eat from the tree I told you not to
eat from?. God already has the understanding of what the consequences
of eating that fruit will be. There you have it folks, we all inherited fear
from our fore father Adam, an attribute he got from disobeying God’s
instruction. We all inherited the spirit of fear through SIN and in as much as
we remain the descendants of Adam; fear is part of our genetic makeup.
That is why it’s not surprising
these days as we see ourselves getting scared of things that are not worth it.
We are always afraid of almost everything. Fear has now become a part of our
lives, even the so called strong, powerful and stone hearted people are still
afraid of one thing or the other.
Some of us are so much engulfed in
fear that we are so afraid to do things we could have done with ease. We are
all conversant with the story of this man who said: and I was afraid, and went to hide
thy talent in the earth...Matt.25:25.
We all know the story, from this story I got to discover that fear also clouds
a man’s sense of reasoning, it affects our decision making. Imagine that
servant all in the name of fear decided not to trade with his master’s money
and we all know the punishment and consequences of his fear.
Where is the place of refuge from
this hydra-headed monster? Who shall save us from this killer?. There is only
one way out, the sole route of escape from the killer – fear. Since fear is
only an attribute of Adam and his descendants and in as much as you are still
an Adamian or Adamite, you and fear will still remain best of buddies. God had
raised up another Man like himself who is to raise a generation that will be without fear, a confident generation, a
generation that can stand before God .A Man whose descendants will destroy and
erase fear from the face of the universe, a Man through whom we will all be
brought back to God, the Man Jesus Christ.
Jesus has come to reconcile us back
to the father; He has come to destroy the works of the devil (including fear).
He is here to deliver us from the bondage of fear, He is offering us adoption
into God’s family...For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye
have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Rom.8:15.
In our everyday life, we are usually
faced with situations that may want to
warrant our fear, but in situations like that you don't have to worry
because Jesus has already provided the saving grace for that situation, listen
to what He said: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In
the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the
world. John.16:33.
My friend, whatever the situation
may be, never give in to fear. Repent from and forsake your sins, follow Jesus
diligently because He is the one that can bring you out from the generation of
remember; you are too big to be afraid of anything or anybody. You are a child
of God, so, FEAR NOT!
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