Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The Abuse of Beauty

“All things bright and beautiful,

All creatures great and small

All things bright and wonderful,

The Lord God made them all”


            I’m sure you do remember that song. The song is very self-explanatory, that all things (no matter how beautiful or bright they might look) come from one entity - GOD, the creator of ALL things. So, whatever thing you see on the surface of this earth was or is created by God. Everything was created through him; nothing--not one thing!-- came into being without him. John.1:3(MSG).

            Since all we see today are all God’s handwork, then WHY are things going very much wrong than right? or did God miss it somewhere? or God was imperfect for just a nanosecond which led HIM to make a mistake? Hell No! God can and will never make a mistake, at least everything was okay at the beginning “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Gen.1:31(KJV). So, how, where, when and why did everything go wrong?

            I know somebody is already giving me an answer - The Devil of course!. Oh! he takes the blame again, things go right we sing praises and when things go slightly wrong, the devil gets the knock. We start off the blame game without taking time to consider if it was really the devil’s fault or our fault. Many of us use what God has given us in the course of our creation against Him, and we make God regret that He ever put that thing in us while He was creating us... GOD was sorry that he had made the human race in the first place; it broke his heart. Gen.6:6 (MSG).         

There is a story-kind of illustration in Ezekiel. 16, Verse 4 to 13 keeps a detailed record of how God transformed a once upon a time abandoned baby to a smashing beauty. In the course of the transformation, God made her live (vs.6), washed her in water and anointed her with oil (vs.9), He clothed her and adorned her with ornaments (vs.13), at the end of it all... God looked at her and said: Your beauty was dazzling Ezek.16:13b(GNB)...and thou wast exceeding beautiful (KJV)...You were absolutely stunning. (MSG)... There we can see very much clearly that God Himself appreciated what He created.

            Here comes the big problem: "'But your beauty went to your head. Verse.15(MSG)...But you trusted in your beauty (NKJV). What a great mistake! Oh! what a misfortune. She became too full of herself. She trusted in her beauty not her beautifier...and you became a common whore. Vs.15 (MSG). What a disaster! A being God Himself took time to beautify now a common whore!?. I am sure my God will never had beautified her for that purpose. What an abuse of beauty.

            The God I serve is a God of Purpose and for everything and situation, there is always a purpose. When He was busy beautifying this abandoned baby, He sure had a great thing in mind: You were absolutely stunning. You were a queen!. Vs.13(MSG)...Yes! a Queen of a Kingdom and not a common whore. What a tragic change in destiny.

            My dear Girl-friend, are you the type that people compliment your beauty, or they always say you are “drop dead gorgeous!”, or guys find it hard to concentrate whenever you are around or they whistle whenever they see you pass by. Almost every guy on Campus just wants to be called your sweetheart even if its gonna last for just for a minute...don't be carried away my dear, don't trust in your beauty, trust in HIM who has made you beautiful. Those wonderful set of eyes you have is not a mistake, that your gorgeous set of teeth that makes guys go gaga whenever you smile didn’t get there by accident, that well-trimmed body that you have is not an error. There is a reason why the greatest Decorator (GOD) put those features there. I am very sure He didn’t make you beautiful so that you can use your beauty to get favours, money or even good grades. Don't trade with your beauty, God didn’t create it to be a business capital.

            He designed you to be a Queen, not a common whore, a raw diamond not a junk on the refuse bin. He was the one who beautified you, don't twist your destiny, don't re-write your history, don't use what God gave you against HIM, and don’t use HIS handwork against HIS will.

            There are some ladies out there that the LORD is already regretting giving them so much beauty... don't make HIM sorry for creating you, don't make Him apologise because of you... that at the end HE will not say...HAD I KNOWN..don't wait till God will be so much interested in your doom. That abandoned baby in Ezek.16 did not have a happy ending at all. Ezek.16:23,27,36-41. Stop the abuse of beauty, stop commercialising your beauty, don't make it a passport to get anything you want... just in case you don't know: “outer beauty don't last for long, inner beauty does”           

            Note this: Let evildoers do their worst and the dirty-minded go all out in pollution, but let the righteous maintain a straight course and the holy continue on in holiness."   "Yes, I'm on my way! I'll be there soon! I'm bringing my payroll with me. I'll pay all people in full for their life's work.   Rev.22:11-12(MSG).




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