I just bumped into
this article in my room without any idea of who wrote it or how it got there.
The article bore no name, I couldn’t even place the handwriting, and all I just
saw was a kind of note written on a full scalp sheet. I fell in love with the
article at the first read, there and then I thought about sharing the article
on this Blog.
Our society today depicts or shows a false translation of
darkness to light. Even the Bible reported in 2Cor. 11:14 that the Devil has
disguised himself as an angel of light, what an irony! The devil, the father of
darkness, transforming himself to an ‘Angel of Light’ has been the actual
reason for the fall and destruction of many of God’s children.
If it is right to liken discernment to having knowledge about
something, then the Bible is absolutely right when it said “My people perish
because of their lack of knowledge”. Various flaws that were recorded in the
scriptures were as a result of lack of discernment (Knowledge, Understanding,
Insight etc.).
This must be the reason why DISCERNMENT is included among the
9 gifts of the Holy Spirit as recorded in 1Cor. 12: 4-10. Our ability to see
beyond the physical, understand beyond the said and hear beyond what was spoken
is essential if we must survive and be of relevance to the Church, our world
and operation. When Jesus sent the disciples out for evangelism, He warned them
to be careful as serpents and wise as doves because He knows there are wolves
in sheep clothing. Only the gift or ability to discern can expose such
Ministers parade themselves as God sent. Ministers proclaim
their origin is God. Deception has swallowed the world knee deep and the Church
neck deep. Discernment is the way out. The ability to see beyond what is
visible is our sure way out of prevailing deception.
I stand to be corrected with this statement: “only few people
are truly led by the Spirit of God and those few are always able to discern the
truth from every deception”. It is impossible to be led by the Spirit and still
fall for a deception. It is impossible to say you are a son of God without
being led daily by His Spirit. For as many that are led by God’s Spirit, they
are the sons of God.
…Inspiration fades out!!!