Thursday, 27 September 2012

Why not save that soul


    The Online media in the past few months, carried various calls for help to save one Nigerian's life or the other. Blogs were filled with pictures of different people (usually before and after) suffering from various kinds of life threatening diseases ranging from cancers to kidney and heart related ailments. These calls for help had so far yielded good results so far as various celebrities in the past days stretched their helping hands to the sick. I am also here today to make another call for help, another call to save a life.

    This is a call out to all well meaning Christians to please come out and save this life, come and save this soul. There are various kinds of people around us who needs our help to survive although I am not writing this to teach us the basics of being our brother's keeper but to open our eyes to see the reality of various people around us who might be wealthy, healthy or they might even be philanthropists but yet are still passing through life threatening situations they themselves might not even be aware of.   
    Do you ever feel grief whenever you see a life wasting away? What comes through your mind when you meet a person without the LIFE - JESUS?. Have you ever given it a thought of what will become the the fate of these people in the after life? or are you just contented and satisfied with the fact that these ones will end up in HELL?. That your smoker friend, promiscuous sister, your armed robber neighbor even your father who is a womanizer, your fraudulent boss and all your acquaintances that are yet to be saved - Are you going to leave these ones to die and face eternal damnation?

    Why don't we emulate the various Celebrities who stood up to stretch forth their helping hands to those sick people?.. Why don"t you too contribute to that soul, why don't you take it upon yourself to minister LIFE to that spirit that is on its way to HELL?, why don't you just be the channel to bring people into that LIGHT and LIFE - JESUS.
    All your sinner friends, don't you feel there is a divine purpose you must fufil in their lives..., why not save that soul from eternal damnation?, why not rescue that spirit from eternal regret?.

    This is a "Save Our Soul" call made on behalf of those that are yet to be born again. Hope you will yield to that call. Millions die everyday to end up in HELL..., are you really interested in reducing the population of HELL?.., then ARISE, minister JESUS to some one today..., ARISE and save that soul...

    Note this: As the entire world applauded the generous donations of these celebrities..., so, will the entire Heavens applaud you also after you must have tried your best to save that soul.


Do not be Afraid of their faces


    There is always this chill and uncomfortable feeling that usually accompanies disrespectful errands anybody tries to send us. There and then, the popular  yoruba adage that says: "If one is sent the errand of a slave, one applies the wisdom of a freeborn to deliver it" - comes to play. Imagine somebody sending abusive messages through you to a person older than you - Imagine that feeling.

    Majority of us today get that same feeling whenever there is a call on us to preach the Gospel most especially to people bigger, richer,  older or more influential than us in life. Most of us now treat the Gospel as aan abusive message we don't wish/want to deliver. But why?

    Christians today carry this inferiority complex and we feel shy most times whenever we are being asked to preach the Gospel. Lets take an example in the Bible: "Then the word of the Lord came to me saying: Before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you: before you were born I sanctioned you; I ordained you a Prophet to the nations.". Jer.1:4-5...This is the Lord reeling out HIS plans and purpose for the life of the prophet Jeremiah. God was preparing to send him on an important mission but to our greatest surprise Jeremiah gave a shocking excuse: Then said I: Ah Lord God! Behold I cannot speak for I am a YOUTH. Jer.1:6.

    This is it - Another excuse to evade and dodge  the work of The Almighty. First,, it was Moses and His stammerer excuse now, its Jeremiah with his excuse of being a youth which is also synonymous to the majority christians' excuses these days. We Christians most times look down on ourselves, we always feel incapable or not worthy or even too young for any Divine Assignment. But, remember that God has planned our lives before hand as He did with Jeremiah.

    Now, God's response; "But the Lord said to me: "Do not say, 'I am a Youth', for you shall go to all whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak - DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THEIR FACES, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord. Jer. 1:7-8...This is a clear indication that God will never accept any excuse , He will rather provide the Grace and Strength to overcome that our so called weakness(es). In Moses' case, He provided Aaron, but now in Jeremiah's case He gave Him a strong Hope to rely upon - "DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THEIR FACES" - This signifies that He (Jeremiah) will dish out God's message the exact way he had been instructed to do without the fear of anybody.

    Here is another promise for people/youths who had taken it upon themselves to preach the Gospel: Therefore thus says the Lord God of Hosts: "Because you speak the word, behold, I will make my words in your mouth FIRE, and these people wood, and it shall devour the. Jer.5:14...with these promises of God, why not summon that courage, Minister Jesus to everybody you know irrespective of their Status; your unsaved Boss, the rich but unbelieving Honorable on your Street, your Promiscuous Lecturer, Gangster friends, etc...Why not tell these people what God is Saying or had said about them. Forget about their status, age, position and influence, dish out the Gospel to them but remember - DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THEIR FACES..